mHub in the News
How well do you control anger
Insights from mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro in a New Times article.
Work depression – what you need to know
Insights from mHub’s Dr. Vicki Kress and Christella Ishimwe in a New Times article.
Mental illness vs mental disability
Insights from mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro in a New Times article.
Rwanda deploys psychologists to health centers
Insights from mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro in a New Times article.
Breaking the negative thinking chain
Insights from mHub’s Dr. Vicki Kress in a New Times article.
Substance use as a problem in sports
Live interview with mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro (starting at 5:06).
The essence of mental health, wellbeing in the workplace
The New Times about mHub’s 2021 study on Mental Health at the Workplace.
Why you should seek grief counseling
Insights from mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro in a New Times article.
What you should know about OCD
Insights from mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro in a New Times article.
Mental health at the workplace
Rwandan radio show featured mHub’s Francoise Uzamukunda and Yvonne Uwamahoro.
What you should know about nightmares
Insights from mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro in a New Times article.
Are you safe from suicidal ideation?
Insights from mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro in a New Times article.
Trauma-Informed Governance in Rwanda workshop
mHub’s Yvonne Uwamahoro followed an invitation to present on Trauma-Informed Governance in Rwanda.
American student interns at mHub Rwanda
DMU students continue to engage in global health opportunities virtually, including at mHub Rwanda.
mHub Founder contributes to DMU lecture series
A virtual guest lecture featuring mHub Founder Dr. Michael Grosspietsch and mHub colleagues from Kenya and Rwanda.
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